Znak towarowy
Regulamin używania słowno-graficznego znaku towarowego „Krajowy Rejestr Długów” oraz słowno-graficznego znaku towarowego „Krajowy Rejestr Długów www.krd.pl”
- These Regulations apply to:
- the word-graphic trademark "Krajowy Rejestr Długów", filed with the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland under the number Z.260537 (presented in Appendix 1) and
- the verbal and figurative trademark "Krajowy Rejestr Długów www.krd.pl", filed with EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) under the number 015301328 (presented in Annex 2), hereinafter jointly referred to as the "Mark".
- The owner of the protection rights to the trademark referred to in paragraph 1 point 1 and sec. 1 point 2 above is the National Debt Register Biuro Informacji Gospodarczej S.A. (hereinafter: "KRD BIG S.A.").
- The Mark is legally protected and therefore, in addition to the rules governing the use of the Mark contained in these Regulations, the provisions of the Industrial Property Law and other generally applicable legal provisions also apply to the use of the Mark.
- The right to use the Mark is granted on the basis of a non-exclusive license, under the conditions set out in these Regulations (hereinafter: "License").
- The license is granted to any entity (except for consumers and customers of KRD BIG S.A. who are linked with KRD BIG S.A. by a contract for the provision of KRD BIG S.A. services) that expresses its willingness to use the Mark in order to promote the activities of KRD BIG S.A. as an economic information bureau, in the fields of exploitation including: recording and reproduction of the Mark and dissemination of the Mark by: public performance, exhibition, display, reproduction, broadcasting and rebroadcasting, as well as public disclosure of the Mark in such a way that everyone can have access to it in a place and time chosen by them.
- The entity using the Mark is obliged to inform third parties in a reliable manner about the scope of its rights and obligations, and is also obliged to prevent and not carry out activities that may cause an erroneous belief as to its legal status. An economic entity using the Mark is not entitled to mark its goods or services with this Mark.
- The license is granted by the very fact of starting to use the Mark, without the need to submit additional declarations of will.
- The license is granted on the territory of the Republic of Poland, for an indefinite period, with the right to terminate it by KRD BIG S.A. any time.
- The use of the Mark is allowed only in a manner
- compliant with these Regulations;
- not misleading as to the nature, purpose, origin, quality and properties of the Mark;
- not infringing personal or property rights of KRD BIG S.A. or third parties;
- not leading to the depreciation of the Mark;
- not harming the good name, image, reputation and reputation of KRD BIG S.A.
- The use of the Mark is possible only under the following conditions:
- the mark can be proportionally increased or decreased;
- it is not allowed to:
a) changes in the shape, proportion, color and elements of the Mark,
b) removing, adding, changing elements of the Mark,
c) animating, distorting or otherwise modifying the appearance of the Mark.
b) removing, adding, changing elements of the Mark,
c) animating, distorting or otherwise modifying the appearance of the Mark.
- KRD BIG S.A. has the right to control the correct use of the Mark, as well as the compliance by the users of the Mark with the conditions set out in these Regulations during the term of the License.
In the event of a breach of the terms of the License by the entity that uses the Mark, including any breach of the Regulations or generally applicable law, KRD BIG S.A., without prejudice to the provisions of §2 para. 5 above, may take action against the above-mentioned the entity with claims that result from generally applicable laws.
Załącznik nr 1 do Regulaminu
Załącznik nr 2 do Regulaminu